Talks ’24 – A Sea Watch Webinar Series

During the Autumn of 2024, we hosted some really interesting webinars as part of our Talks’24 series. The last in the series features Sea Watch Foundation staff Katrin Lohrengel, Claudia Afeltra and Simone Evans who are all based in our Cardigan Bay office and are involved in the important monitoring work of our beloved bottlenose family. Without Katrin and her interns each year, our Finned Friends would not be so safe and protected. Claudia is always busy organising fun and educational activities for visitors and online events, and Simone runs our dolphin database – the largest in the UK, so you can only imagine how busy they are! It’s a full-time job for sure!
Thanks goes to our Whale and Dolphin Man, Robin Petch, who is our ambassador who has hosted all our talks.
So, why not hop onto the webinar here and find out more about each of them and how they started on their journeys into the world of marine science.